We are committed to collaborating with churches and Christians worldwide to promote Medical Missions and Education Ministries for unreached people groups.
This is a crucial moment for us to come together and work in harmony to fulfill the Great Commission. We aim to assist and provide guidance to churches in establishing medical mission and education teams, enabling them to reach out to unreached people groups.
Despite being a small faction, by God's grace, there are devoted churches and Christians within these unreached communities. Our objective is to form partnerships with them, dispatch medical and education teams to their nations, and implement discipleship programs for their people. Together, we can make a significant impact in reaching those who have not yet heard the message of hope and salvation.
Our Vision
Established in 2023
as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization
Based in the United States
Our Work
Collaborating with churches
Bridging the gap between unreached people groups and churches across the globe. Our primary goal is to raise awareness and share the specific needs of these groups with churches worldwide. Through this collaboration, we aim to help churches raise medical and education teams to address these needs effectively.
Training medical and education teams
Offering comprehensive mission training courses to churches and Christians, equipping them to serve unreached people groups powerfully. Our program focuses on both spiritual and medical preparedness, ensuring that participants are well-equipped in all aspects.
By investing in mission training, churches and Christians can make a significant impact in reaching out to those who have yet to hear the life-changing message of hope and salvation.
Establishing partnerships in nations
Seeking to collaborate with dedicated Christians from unreached people groups who possess a deep desire to connect with and bring the gospel to their fellow unreached individuals.
By partnering with them, we can effectively engage with and disciple those who have not yet heard of the message of Christ. Our goal is to empower and equip these believers to act as catalysts for change within their communities, spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to those who have yet to hear his name.
Developing education programs
Creating discipleship programs that will support individuals in understanding the Word and deepening their faith. These programs will provide guidance and resources for those who have already heard the Gospel, helping them to grow spiritually and develop a stronger relationship with God.
In addition to this, we also aim to develop education programs focused on public health. These programs will cover various topics such as proper diet and nutrition, the importance of regular exercise, dental hygiene, and strategies for quitting smoking.
Together, these discipleship and education programs will contribute to the holistic growth and development of individuals within their communities